Sunday, July 3, 2011

Kochav Nolad Season 9 - כוכב נולד עונה 9

We're in the middle of the season here, but there doesn't seem to be a clear front-runner yet, and we don't have any strong personal favorites ourselves either.  But a few thoughts as of this point (and we're a couple of episodes behind):

- David Lavi and his floppy hair, deep blue eyes, and datlash angst are growing on us.

- Ron Weinreich: It's impossible to root against him, his story, and the dogtags that shine on his chest during every performance.  His bitzu'a of Bon Jovi's "I'm gonna live forever" was more meragesh than any performance of Jon Bon Jovi himself.

- Hagit Yaso is a great storyline too, but does she have what it takes to make it to the gamar?

- Liron Ramati - Seems to be Margol's pet this season, but are we the only ones who think he's drunk and/or high during every show? Can he walk a straight line, because he looks like he needs a V-8.

As for the judges, Margol's beginning to get on our nerves, and her Temani favoritism is getting ridiculously obvious.  Miri is hot as lava, but the KN stylist has got to throw out every tube of hot pink lipstick and 80's style t-shirts. Dress Miri in black and red, and move on.  Tzedi remains Tzedian as always, and Ya'ir Nitzani still feels like an unknown quantity, but maybe it's because the shininess of his head is more distracting than Gal's or Pablo's.

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